
"Tho Other Things" - by Shane Veldhuizen

"The Other Things"

Mathew 6:33 says: "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Here's a verse that most of us have heard of before, but what does it really mean for those of us who are students?

God's Kingdom is really about God being the ruler of our lives. When Jesus came to start His kingdome on earth, it wasn't about an eartly kind of thing with land and borders and politics. Jesus came to live in our lives. Where He rules, His kingdom reigns. So, when Jesus tells us to seek first His kingdom, He's telling us to make sure that he is actually on the throne of our life. Nothing should come before Him, and we should include Him in everything.

The word "righteousness" is used to describe God's character. In this verse it tells us to seek His kingdom and His Righteousness. When we seek His righteousness we are supposed to be striving to be more like Jesus. God gave us such a clear example of how He wants us to live our lives every day by sending His son to live in the world for 33 years. When we let God rule in our life and strive to be like Him in everything all The Other Things will be added to us.

The Other Things in our lives are the things that we worry about; the things that consume our anxieties. Friends, love, appearance, how much money you make or how cool your car is. Jesus told us that our primary concern needs to be His rule in our life and to become like Jesus. If we honestly pursue Him, He will take care of all The Other Things.

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