

A few weeks ago when we were nearing the end of our "Crazy Love" series by Francis Chan, the RELENTLESS students where challenged to go before the Lord and "release" things to Him that have been holding them back, or to commit to something that they know they should be doing.  Below are some of the responses from the students...

* Lead others to Jesus
* Live Jesus out loud and invite people to church
* Start living for God the way I should
* Live like Jesus lived
* No more apathy, unforgiveness, or holding onto worldly things
* Spend 1 hour per day with the Lord in prayer, praise, and in the Word
* I want to be passionate for God.
* No more pride or jealousy
* I am being called to stop wasting my time on things that are stupid & start doing things that matter for God
* Invite friends to church - love on people - wisdom, strength, positive attitude for God
* Include people and share God with them
* I need to give up all the negative things I do that show I am not living for God
* I want to be open to non-believers about God's love for them
* Trust God in everything I do
* No more pride, surrender control of my life to God
* Get up and talk...don't just keep Jesus to myself
* To trust Him and let Him control my life...and to give up my cutting addiction
* I want to spread God's Word to everyone I meet.  Commit my life to serving Him in mission work.
* I want to be an example of purity
* Get rid of feelings of rejection
* Let go of control so that God can take control
* I want to find Jesus!
* Tell more people about Him and show Jesus style love
* It is time to be totally obsessed with Jesus
* Get in the word more often.  Keep reading the Bible and telling others about God
* I want to be the person God is calling me to be
* I am read for great things!  No Fear!
* That I would be a friend to those who don't have friends in the youth group
* I want to be relentless!  To stop worrying about all these surface freindships.  Tell them about Jesus!

God's Word says that "greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world".  Simply put, if you are a follower of Jesus than His Holy Spirit lives in you and satan CANNOT win against that power...Ummm...remember the empty tomb?  Jesus won that battle! are "IN THE MIDDLE OF A MOVE OF GOD".  Press on!


It All Fades Away - by Eric Slegh

Everything in this world fades.  Whether it be phones, iPods, money, fitting in, or simply seeking to just please yourself through everyday life.  They all bring you temporary pleasure and satisfaction, but nothing that truly lasts.  God made it that way.  The Bible says that we are to "fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal " (2 Corinthians 4:8).  This world (what is seen) is a temporary palce for us to stay.  It was never meant to be the place where we become attached to, which it seems like a lot of us have.  God is telling us to do this not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it is the smart thing to do.  I mean think about it...when would you rather have treasures set up for yourself?  The eighty or so years that you will have here on Earth or the infinite amount of years that you will have in Heaven?

Another thing that has been on my mind lately is that if this world really is fading and is only temporary, why aren't we actively seeking things that will last?  Why aren't we seeking the eternal instead of the temporary?  Why are we wasting ourselves on pleasures that will just fade when our Father in Heaven has promised us far greater pleasures that will last?

I mean it's so easy for us to say we'll try and change things and live for God, but how many times do we actually take the time to get in God's word and really have Him change those things in our hearts?  They don't change by themselves just because we want them to; they change because we encounter the living God who delights in drawing near to us.  God made us to seek something more, something eternal, and that something is Him.  God put us on this fading Earth so that we might see that He is the only thing worth living for as everything else fades.

Look to Him, see Him, and he will answer.  He promises!


Delicious Food and Awesome Offers! Don't Miss the Silent Auction and Spaghetti Dinner - April 3 at Edinbrook Church 12:00-1:30

Invite your friends to the Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction! Here they will have the opportunity to eat some great food and bid on anything from hotel stays, Twins tickets and restaurant gift cards to Tuition credit and fishing trips. You don't want to miss out an this time of food and fun with all proceeds going towards youth missions. Not going on a mission trip this year? That doesn't mean you can't come and tell everyone you know.

See you there!


"Tho Other Things" - by Shane Veldhuizen

"The Other Things"

Mathew 6:33 says: "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Here's a verse that most of us have heard of before, but what does it really mean for those of us who are students?

God's Kingdom is really about God being the ruler of our lives. When Jesus came to start His kingdome on earth, it wasn't about an eartly kind of thing with land and borders and politics. Jesus came to live in our lives. Where He rules, His kingdom reigns. So, when Jesus tells us to seek first His kingdom, He's telling us to make sure that he is actually on the throne of our life. Nothing should come before Him, and we should include Him in everything.

The word "righteousness" is used to describe God's character. In this verse it tells us to seek His kingdom and His Righteousness. When we seek His righteousness we are supposed to be striving to be more like Jesus. God gave us such a clear example of how He wants us to live our lives every day by sending His son to live in the world for 33 years. When we let God rule in our life and strive to be like Him in everything all The Other Things will be added to us.

The Other Things in our lives are the things that we worry about; the things that consume our anxieties. Friends, love, appearance, how much money you make or how cool your car is. Jesus told us that our primary concern needs to be His rule in our life and to become like Jesus. If we honestly pursue Him, He will take care of all The Other Things.



"We are in the middle of a Move of God" - Steven Furtick

Yes we are...make no mistake about it.  We are in the middle of a move of God!  Are you "all in"?  Do you want to be a part of it?  It is time to get off the sideline and into the game.  Here are a couple of ways to do just that!

    This is taking place Wednesday, March 9th at 6:30 p.m. at Edinbrook Church.  It is a
     Wednesday night unlike any other Wednesday night we have had in the past.  The
     challenge to all of you is to invite your friends.  The big, audacious prayer is that God
     will fill the Worship Center with students.  We are asking this of you:  If you know
     someone who does not know Jesus...then please, please, PLEASE bring them to
     MEGA WEDNESDAY!  There is going to be great music, awesome drama, a totally
     legit speaker (not me), food, prizes and so much more.  All free.  The only cost is this...
     you have to ask people to come.
     We are in the middle of a move of God...are you in?

2. The UN-TOUR
    This weekend (March 11-12)...$60 per person.  There are still tickets available and time
    to register.  This conference so totally falls in line with the desire for PASSION in our
    youth group.  Come and hear Greg Stier and Zane Black teach us about Jesus and how
    to share Him with those who need Him.
    * If money is an issue...let me know...
    Hey...We are in the middle of a move of God...are you in?

"For I have told you often before, and I say it again with tears in my eyes, that there are many whose conduct shows they are really enemies of the cross of Christ.  They are headed for destruction.  They brag about shameful things, and they think only about his life here on earth."  Philippians 3:18-19

Do you know anyone like this?  Do you have tears in  your eyes for them?




Two Lessons - By Abbie Elliott


I have in my hands two boxes which God gave me to hold.  He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box and all your joys in the gold box."  I heeded His words, and in the two boxes I put both my joys and my sorrows.  But though the gold became heavier each day, the black was as light as before.  With curiousity I opened the black box.  I wanted to find out why it was so light.  I saw in the black box a hole in which my sorrows had fallen out.  I showed the hole to God, and mused aloud..."I wonder where my sorrows could be."  God smiled a gentle smile at me and said; "My child, they're all home with me."  I asked, "God, why give me the boxes?  Why the gold and the black with the hole?"  He replied, "My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings and the black is for you to let go."

There are two lessons to be learned in this story: 1. Count your blessings and 2. Let go of your sorrows and mistakes. 

Counting yoru blessings is all about being grateful for what we have or even those experiences that bring us joy.  God has created us to be creatures of emotion so much that He blesses us with fun or laughter.  Why not smile about or after a prayer of thanks?  Glorify Him for those smiles He gives you!

The second lesson of letting go of sadness or guilt is a little harder to do.  Sometimes we hold onto our negative past because we think our "black box" is just too full for God.  Well guess what?  THE BLACK BOX IS EMPTY!  So treat it like it is.  You say "sin" and God says "What sin?"  For that...Glorify God.  He is great...ain't He?

Some verses to help:

2 Samuel 12:13 - (Nathan is talking to King David) "Then David confessed to Natha, I have sinned against the Lord.  Nathan replied, yes, and the Lord has forgiven you and you won't die for this sin."

Isaiah 38:17 "Yes, this anguish was good for me, for you have rescued me from death and have forgiven all my sins."

Isaiah 43:25 "I, yes I alone - will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again."

Psalm 103:12 "He has removed our sins as far as the east is from the west."