
It All Fades Away - by Eric Slegh

Everything in this world fades.  Whether it be phones, iPods, money, fitting in, or simply seeking to just please yourself through everyday life.  They all bring you temporary pleasure and satisfaction, but nothing that truly lasts.  God made it that way.  The Bible says that we are to "fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal " (2 Corinthians 4:8).  This world (what is seen) is a temporary palce for us to stay.  It was never meant to be the place where we become attached to, which it seems like a lot of us have.  God is telling us to do this not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it is the smart thing to do.  I mean think about it...when would you rather have treasures set up for yourself?  The eighty or so years that you will have here on Earth or the infinite amount of years that you will have in Heaven?

Another thing that has been on my mind lately is that if this world really is fading and is only temporary, why aren't we actively seeking things that will last?  Why aren't we seeking the eternal instead of the temporary?  Why are we wasting ourselves on pleasures that will just fade when our Father in Heaven has promised us far greater pleasures that will last?

I mean it's so easy for us to say we'll try and change things and live for God, but how many times do we actually take the time to get in God's word and really have Him change those things in our hearts?  They don't change by themselves just because we want them to; they change because we encounter the living God who delights in drawing near to us.  God made us to seek something more, something eternal, and that something is Him.  God put us on this fading Earth so that we might see that He is the only thing worth living for as everything else fades.

Look to Him, see Him, and he will answer.  He promises!

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